Pastor’s Rest Leave

Dear Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As you are well aware, the last 14 months have been a marathon of patience. The COVID virus has had a tremendous impact on us all and not too much of that has been positive. Pastor Chris has shepherded our flock through this time, extending help to all who have needed it. He has had to extend his usual work pattern to create multiple ways to reach all of the body, being extremely sensitive to those with varying levels of fear that the virus has created, and for the elderly and those without the benefit of wi-fi. Besides caring extensively for our church, he has endured his own trials and tribulations.

Pastor Chris is not immune to the impact of these stressful times. He feels drained of his energy levels and is running on reserves and God’s daily provisions. Perhaps you have noticed the effect this had had on our dear brother and leader.

Pastor Chris normally would be taking some vacation time during the summer months, as a way of charging his batteries and resting for the year ahead.  Most of us also take time through the summer to do the same.

The members of the board have engaged Chris in a series of discussions and have offered an extended rest and vacation for a period of nine weeks. Chris has gratefully accepted this gift of a well-deserved rest with heartfelt thanks. His holidays will begin on July 5 and extend to September 12.

The members of the board are willing to step up to fill his role for these weeks and are actively preparing for it. Please contact them throughout the summer and early September so that Chris can fully rest. You may reach any of the elders by email at

Finally, please join us throughout the summer months as we do church slightly differently. You will hear from local pastors, visiting missionaries, and will be blessed by testimonies from our own congregation.  We will be moving back into our church building in July. PRAY for Chris as he rests and for the elders who will do their best to help fill the gap.

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Dickens, acting chairman of the Board of Elders.

God’s best to You,